The graphic map driver is an easy to use circuit board designed to provide simple graphic panel lamp control. Typically a graphic display requires green lamps for a normal condition and red
lamps for off-normal or alarm conditions. The graphic lamp driver allows this function from just an alarm input. The lamp driver illuminates all green lamps under normal conditions. On alarm the green lamp is
extinguished and the red lamp illuminates. The same board can be used to operate other lamps under similar conditions.
8 inputs/16 outputs per unit
Units can be cascaded
Lamp test function
Audible driver function
Captive screw terminals
Each graphic map driver contains 8 inputs. Drivers can be cascaded to as many inputs as needed with no interference problems. The lamp test function is provided on the board as is the output for an audible alarm with
silence switch. The graphic map driver operates from 12 volts DC, providing a nominal 15 ma. current to each lamp.
33408 Sandy Creek Lane, P.O. Box 776, Pine Valley, CA 91962-0776 (619)
478-2600 FAX (619) 478-2555