Technical Note 02-98

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    The Mobile Map Plus rack mount display unit, Model No. MP2520, is a special purpose display designed for connection to the Mobile Map Plus (MMP) system. The MP2520 production unit has a front panel digital display showing the alarm zone or zones in alarm. This temporary unit shows zones in alarm with individual lamps; one for each alarm zone.


This temporary unit contains the same circuit board and software as a standard MMP radio-graphic display unit. Instead of the lights presented on a graphic display panel, the lights are mounted with numbers 1 through 20 on the front panel of the 1-3/4" rack-mounted panel.

Operation is very similar to the MMP radio-graphic display unit. Alarms are received from the radio signal transmitted from the MMP central encoder and transmitter. Alarms are displayed on the 20 front panel alarm lamps, corresponding to system alarm zones 1 through 20. All lamps are green indicating Secure when there are no alarms on the system. On alarm, the green Secure lamp for that zone becomes flashing red indicating Alarm, and the internal audible alarm sounds at the same rate as the flashing lamp. Pressing the front panel red Acknowledge pushbutton silences the audible alarm but the alarm lamp will continue to flash red until the alarm is reset at the central control point.

The front panel contains the following diagnostic lamps:

The green lamp on the left side indicates there is power to the unit.

  • The red lamp on the right side indicates that the unit is receiving the periodic supervision messages. If this lamp extinguishes, the unit is not correctly receiving data messages from the central control point.
  • The yellow lamp on the right side flashes to indicate that the unit is receiving a valid data message. This lamp should flash for about 1/2 second every time that any message is sent from the central control point. This lamp will flash just before an alarm message is received, just before an alarm zone is reset, and whenever a supervision message is sent.


This unit is designed for rack mounting in one standard rack space, 1-3/4" height.

The unit is furnished with a 12 VDC wall plug-in transformer. The power supply has a 1/8" plug which connects to the 1/8" jack marked ``power" on the rear panel. Furnishing power to the unit will cause the front panel green LED to illuminate.

The rear panel antenna connector is a BNC style identical to a standard Mobile Map Plus display unit. A suitable antenna should be connected to ensure proper communication with the central transmitter.

There are no other connections or adjustments required.


Following installation the unit should be tested by sending each alarm zone and verifying that each alarm is received and displayed.

For simplified testing information please refer to the Mobile Map Plus Installation and Operation Manual.

If you have any questions, or need any further information, please contact CDT.

33408 Sandy Creek Lane, P.O. Box 776, Pine Valley, CA 91962-0776   (619) 478-2600   FAX (619) 478-2555
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